On On Jamaica!
We are delighted to announce that we have completed a huge project for the Jamaica Hash House Harriers!
JAH3 has been running for nearly 20 years now, and as a voluntary and fun hiking organisation it is safe to say that having fun has always been a much greater responsibility than data storage. But after far too many hours of trawling a strong baseline of information has been incorporated into a sleek, stylish, responsive and modern design with lots of highly useful functionality.
Sorted into two rough sections there is a WordPress based static and news section, with a tailored php area for all the database related and more technical parts that is made for seamless transition between the two.
With committee sign off pending by the end of the month we hope it will be officially launching straight after the next run on May 1st.
You can check it out at this link and feel free to come and join us on a hike one day!!
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